
event-date: 10.03.2017 - 11.03.2017
Place: Kraków, ul. Gołębia 20, sala 18

W dniach 10 i 11 marca zapraszamy do udziału w wykładzie i warsztacie poświęconym Playfields, prototypowej aplikacji mobilnej łączącej praktykę gry miejskiej z terenowym badaniem naukowym. Wykład i warsztat poprowadzą dr Jana Wendler (University of Manchester) i dr Sam Hind (University of Warwick). Całość wydarzenia odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, zapisy na warsztat prosimy przesyłać na adres:


Piątek, 10 marca, ul. Gołębia 20, sala 18

18:00 – 20:00: Gozo Ludens (wykład)

Every project has its origin story. The same goes for Playfields. Back in 2013, a team of researchers ran a fieldcourse on the island of Gozo. Ostensibly, it was to be a routine ‘fieldwork’ experience for undergraduate Geographers, from the University of Manchester. Students would receive lectures in the ‘field’ and, throughout the week, carry out a research project. Whilst certainly enjoyable it wasn’t necessary playful. A year later, then, the same core group of researchers devised a series of ‘geographic games’ to be performed by students on the fieldcourse. It was to an education – both for students and staff – in the import of Situationism, dérives, and déambulations to academic knowledge-production and fieldwork practice. Over the last three years it has taken on a distinctly interdisciplinary, intercultural and international feel; with students participating on a successor fieldcourse from the UK, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Malta. In 2016 we began to develop a platform capable of crystallizing this pedagogic experimentation. Playfields’ Situationist beginnings are – with necessary qualifications – still very much integral to its working. This talk will draw out the spatial, social, technical and pedagogic distinctions between app and origin; 1960s Paris and 2010s Gozo; paper commands and digital instructions.

Sobota, 11 marca, ul. Gołębia 20, sala 18

11:00 – 16:00: Playfields – A digital tool for playful fieldwork (warsztat)

Playfields is a prototype mobile app that facilitates play-based fieldwork and research for students. Following on from two previous project, Charting the Digital and GoGoGozo, it puts into use emergent ideas around imaginative, performative and mobile methods. It also enrols new digital technology, the playful potential of maps and the spirit of urban games in a unique creative learning and research experience. The app is being developed by an interdisciplinary team lead by the University of Warwick, UK, funded by the ERC and Warwick Ventures.

We invite students, academics and guests with an interest in maps, games, creative methods or the urban environment to join us for a workshop and playtest, exploring the app and the ideas behind it. After a short introduction, we will use the app to investigate different aspects of the city, before finishing with a joint discussion.




Published Date: 02.03.2017
Published by: Janusz Smulski