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Not a 'Race' Game: Tracing a Boardgame from the Colony to the Metropole

Date: 12.10.2020
Start Time: 17 00
Place: Zoom
Not a 'Race' Game: Tracing a Boardgame from the Colony to the Metropole

Ośrodek Badań Groznawczych i lvl.up serdecznie zapraszają do udziału w pierwszym wykładzie groznawczym w roku akademickicm 2022/21.

Dr Souvik Mukherjee, Presidency University in Kolkata

The lecture will look at the early Indian board-game, Gyan Chaupar, its colonial adaptation into the oversimplified Snakes and Ladders (or Chutes and Rockets) and how a complex ludic representation of karma has changed to the current (and arguably, less richer) notion of it in Europe and North America. Besides Gyan Chaupar, two other games will be discussed in comparison: the Tibetan Game of Rebirth and Golok Dham, a game from Eastern India will be analyzed as worthy precursors of gamification, hypertextual storytelling and as complex multitelic narratives. Here, I also make the case of how the colonial appropriation of the game alters it significantly thus denuding it of its pedagogical and soteriological purpose.

Wykład w języku angielskim odbędzie na na platformie Zoom w poniedziałek 12 października o godzinie 17:00.


Identyfikator spotkania: 047626