Contacts of the Baltic languages

event-date: 02.06.2016
Place: Kraków ul. Gołębia 20 sala 22

Pracownia Kultury Litwy przy Katedrze Kultury Literackiej Pogranicza WP UJ

zaprasza na wykład

doc. dr. Jurgisa Pakerysa (Uniwersytet Wileński)

nt. Contacts of the Baltic languages: past and present

Wykład odbędzie się w budynku Wydziału Polonistyki UJ, ul. Gołębia 20, s. 22 (II p.)

w najbliższy czwartek 2.06 w godz. 11:30-13:00.

The lecture is aimed at an overview of linguistic contacts between Baltic (Old Prussian, Lithuanian, Latvian) and Finnic, Slavic, and Germanic languages from the earliest times up to present. The contacts are discussed on the level of lexical borrowing as well as from the perspective of interference of derivational and grammatical systems. An emphasis is made on the influence of Polish on Lithuanian and other Baltic languages.


         Serdecznie zapraszamy,

Beata Kalęba i Greta Lemanaitė 

Published Date: 30.05.2016
Published by: Janusz Smulski