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grudzień 2022

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Data: 01.12.2022
Czas rozpoczęcia: 17 00
Miejsce: ZOOM
Pracownia Badań nad Procesem Twórczym
zaprasza na wykład
prof. Bożeny Shallcross
1.12.2022, g. 17.00 czasu polskiego 
Meeting ID: 218 758 3567  
W programie
1. Bożena Shallcross (The University of Chicago)
“The Unkempt Room as a Creative Space”
This paper explores how the artistic recycling of trash transforms the creative space into a living work of art through various records and artworks produced by Kurt Schwitters, Francis Bacon and Miron Białoszewski.
Bożena Shallcross is a professor of Polish literature and Polish-Jewish cultural studies in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, as well as an essayist, translator and art critic. She published several monographs, edited and translated volumes, as well as numerous articles, in which she has explored an intersection of the once fundamental division between the seeing subject and the objectual sphere in literature, the visual arts, and the phenomenal world.  Her research has taken her from the late stage of Polish symbolist poetry and its ekphrastic reassessments of Western European visual arts to the late modernist destabilization of the poetic subject and art-object divide, which she explored from the perspective of (post)sublime encounters, the scene of writing, and spatial modes of habitation. Currently, she is working on two book-length projects: a study on the Kulmhof-am-Ner survivors and a volume on inscriptions of the everyday. Among her grants, fellowships and awards, she appreciates most The Polish Government’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Polish Culture in the World awarded in 2002.
2. Dyskusja
Dr hab. Mateusz Antoniuk prof. UJ
Kierownik Pracowni