To Remember or Dismember?

Termin: 28.04.2016
Miejsce: Kraków, ul. Gołębia 16 sala 42

W najbliższy czwartek  wraz z Ośrodkiem Badań nad Kulturami Pamięci zapraszamy na spotkanie z badaczem pamięci Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, filozofem, historykiem, publicystą i działaczem praw człowieka Prof. Leonidasem Donskisem (Uniwersytet Witolda Wielkiego w Kownie). Po wykładzie zatytułowanym To Remember or Dismember? The Jews in Present Lithuanian Memory zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w dyskusji. Spotkanie poprowadzą dr. hab. Paweł Bukowiec i dr Beata Kalęba, reprezentujący Wydział Polonistyki UJ. 

Spotkanie odbędzie się 28 kwietnia o godzinie 17:00 w sali 42 budynku Wydziału Polonistyki UJ przy ul. Gołębiej 16 w Krakowie. Wykład zostanie wygłoszony w języku angielskim, dyskusja będzie prowadzona w językach polskim i angielskim. Poniżej znajdą Państwo abstrakt wykładu oraz biogram Leonidasa Donskisa.  Plakat >>

Serdecznie zapraszam w imieniu Pracowni Kultury Litwy,

Beata Kalęba

To Remember or Dismember? The Jews in Present Lithuanian Memory

People who have lost their sensitivity temporarily or for a long time are no demons. They simply remove from their sensitivity zone certain people or entire groups. This theory sheds much light on the Holocaust and its traumatized, sometimes even twisted memory, which remains a sinister aspect of Lithuanian memory politics. The Jews appear there as unimportant things, inconvenient details, circumstances and academic footnotes pushed by historians. They are hindrances. Because of them, "we" are unable to create our gallery of heroes and our heroic narrative as we would like. All that remains is for us to ask ourselves whether all this supposed patriotic pragmatism is sensible. It is not serving the past and certainly not honoring the memory of the dead, but simply allowing for political mudslinging and sending the "right" message to voters. If so, that means we are choosing an immoral version of patriotism which no longer includes ethics, truth or conscience. 

 Leonidas Donskis, Ph.D., is a philosopher, political theorist, historian of ideas, social analyst, and political commentator. As a public figure in Lithuania, he acted as a defender of human rights and civil liberties. From 2009 to 2014 he acted as a Lithuanian Member of the European Parliament. He is the Professor of Political Science at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. A wandering scholar, he has researched and lectured in many universities in the USA, Great Britain, and Europe. His main scholarly interests lie in philosophy of history, philosophy of culture, philosophy of literature, philosophy of the social sciences, civilization theory, political theory, history of ideas, and studies in Central and East European thought.

Chosen publications: Forms of Hatred: The troubled imagination in modern philosophy and literature (2003); Loyalty, Dissent, and Betrayal: Modern Lithuania and East-Central European Moral Imagination (2005); Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity  (with Zygmunt Bauman) (2013); Poszukiwanie optymizmu w epoce pesymizmu.Europa Wschodnia – przeczucia i prognozy (with Tomas Venclova) (2015); Didžioji Europa. Esė apie Europos sielą [Wielka Europa. Esej o europejskiej duszy] (2016).



Data opublikowania: 24.04.2016
Osoba publikująca: Janusz Smulski